16 agosto, 2018


17 agosto, 2010

Cytogenetics, geographical distribution, pollen stainability and fecundity of Santolina impressa Hoffmanns

Rivero-Guerra A. O. (2010) Cytogenetics, geographical distribution, pollen stainability and fecundity of Santolina impressa Hoffmanns. & Link (Asteraceae: Anthemideae). Folia Geobotanica 45: 95-109.    
17 agosto, 2009

Cytogenetics, geographical distribution and pollen fertility of diploid and tetraploid cytotypes of Santolina pectinata Lag.

Rivero-Guerra A. O. (2008). Cytogenetics, geographical distribution and pollen fertility of diploid and tetraploid cytotypes of Santolina pectinata Lag. (Asteraceae: Anthemideae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean […]
17 agosto, 2008

Cytogenetics, biogeography and biology of Santolina ageratifolia Barnades ex Asso

Rivero-Guerra A. O. (2008). Cytogenetics, biogeography and biology of Santolina ageratifolia Barnades ex Asso (Asteraceae: Anthemideae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 157: 797-807.    
17 julio, 2008

Cytogenetics, geographical distribution, pollen stainability and fecundity of five taxa of Santolina rosmarinifolia L. aggregate

Rivero-Guerra A. O. (2009). Cytogenetics, geographical distribution, pollen stainability and fecundity of five taxa of Santolina rosmarinifolia L. aggregate (Asteraceae: Anthemideae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 281 […]
17 abril, 2008

Phenotypic differentiation of peripheral populations of Santolina rosmarinifolia

Rivero-Guerra A. O. (2008). Phenotypic differentiation of peripheral populations of Santolina rosmarinifolia L (Asteraceae: Anthemideae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 158: 650-668.